Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hair Loss counter-measures

In one of my previous post, one of the things that is constantly bothering me in my seeming thinning hair. I tot i should start doing something before its too late. So i read up on the internet, forum threads about people who are facing similar problems. Decided about 1 month+ back to try this topical solution called Minoxi5.
This solution (Minoxidil 5%) was originally used to treat high blood pressure but hair growth was an unexpected side effect. So now this drug is being commonly used for hair growth but not taken orally. One bottle is quite hard on the wallet too, $60+ for 80ml. Cheapest i can find oreadi.

Decided to see my GP 1 week back to seek more advice. She prescribed a drug called Propecia, which seems to be the only drug available for people like me. Supposed to see some effect of hair growth and decreased loss in 6 months or so. Another very expensive option since 28 pills (one a day) cost $95. But its the side effects that will worry most men though. These are decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, deceased volume of ejaculation, breast enlargement and tenderness (OMG!!!) and testicular pain.
I decided to give this drug a shot, since i don't think i plan to be a father anytime soon. So far so good.

Last thing i am trying now is to wash my hair with a special shampoo my GP prescribed and using cold water everytime. The shampoo is only twice a week but i am using cold water everytime i wash my hair, so that the pores will contract and less oil get secreted. This is horrible since mornings nowadays are getting cold. Having cold water all over me is the last thing i want.

33.3% of my readers suggested i take a picture one of these days as a "Before" photo so that i can compare if these counter-measures are really working. Maybe i will do so and post the photo up here. Haha...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can the real 33.3% please stand up? please stand up? please stand up?
Must take photo at mthly intervals to really scrutinise the results...