Monday, September 24, 2007

佛牙寺 - one nite at chinatown

I got an invitation from the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum (known as BTRTM) sometime earlier to go down for the lighting ceremony for my 神. So i went down with my girlfriend on saturday afternoon for the ceremony.

As you can see, its a hot day. The air con inside the temple is very welcoming indeed. We managed to get ourselves registered for the 1pm+ session after i pondered on my chinese birthday and time of birth. My mum never bothered to tell me, neither was i interested. We then paid $20 for some items (i was not convinced to pay $38 more for the seven precious stones) which you can see below.

Consist (for one pax) one mini mooncake, one lamp, one wishing card, one handphone accessory carrying the symbol of each and finally one odd shaped paper with a lot of words i cannot understand on it.

Waited for about 10min and its our turn for the ceremony. Plenty of standing, chanting by the monks and ended with a short march to the end of the temple. Took about 15min although the standing and holding the items must have make it felt longer.

Then come sunday and my mum wanted to go down too. I thought it might be a good chance for me to take some nite photography and i went too. Here is one where the exact ceremony take place.

You can see many wishing cards, i kapo and read some. Its not surprising that some wrote Toto, 4D and passing driving test as their wishes.

Then something not related. I saw this on the road while trying to get a bus home. Its very near to where the temple is, i wonder what they are there for.

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